All Andrew’s latest news and views, forthcoming events, tour reports and other photography related articles.

N-Photo NikonSkills - Badgers
The last edition of N-Photo includes a NikonSkills Article I was commissioned to write on photographing badgers.

Sailing Away From The Safe Harbour
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.

N-Photo Apprentice - Urban Wildlife
I am really pleased to have worked with the team at N-Photo Magazine on the Apprentice Article - Urban Wildlife (“Camera Kits”) that appears in the Summer 2024 issue of the magazine, Issue 166.

The Real Deal
The Real Deal: Field Notes From The Life of a Working Photographer by Joe McNally.
Sleep Well Badger
I have lost count of the hours I have spent watching and photographing badgers, in the fields around my home and in the gardens of friends who are fortunate to have them as visitors. My love affair with these beautiful sentient animals began many years ago with a young badger cub that I spent time with in one of these fields.
Ring Ouzel
Over the last three years, I have spent many long hours watching and photographing the ring ouzels that breed each summer in the Peak District. This blog contains a selection of images from this work.

Outdoor Photography - Photographing Pumas in Chilean Patagonia
The latest edition of Outdoor Photography (Edition 303) includes an article I was commissioned to write on photograping pumas in Chilean Patagonia.

N-Photo Magazine - Winter Wildlife Photography
The January 2024 Issue of N-Photo (The Nikon Magazine) includes a article I was commissioned to write on Winter Wildlife Photography.

Outdoor Photography - Outdoor Photography, Health and Wellbeing
The latest edition of Outdoor Photography (Edition 297) includes an article I was commissioned to write on Outdoor photography, health and wellbeing.

Outdoor Photography - In Conversation
I really enjoyed being interviewed by Nick Smith for the “In Conversation” feature in the latest edition of Outdoor Photography.
N-Photo Magazine 2023
N-Photo Magazine - NikonSkills article on photographing birds in flight.

National Badger Day
Today is National Badger Day, a day to celebrate one of our most mysterious and seldom seen animals.
The Start of Autumn
Autumn has heralded the start of the red deer rut in the Peak District.

Outdoor Photography - The Highs (And Lows) Of Local Wildlife Photography
The Learning Zone - The Highs (And Lows) Of Local Wildlife Photography
BBC Earth - After We’ve Gone - Finding Little Owls in an Abandoned Mine
BBC Earth - After We’ve Gone - Finding Little Owls in an Abandoned Mine

Outdoor Photography - Photographing Urban Peregrines
The Learning Zone - Photographing Urban Peregrines

GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2021
GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2021.