All Andrew’s latest news and views, forthcoming events, tour reports and other photography related articles.

N-Photo Magazine November 2021
N-Photo Magazine November 2021 - Lead feature on photographing local wildlife.

Outdoor Photography - Photographing Urban Wildlife
The Learning Zone - Photographing Urban Willdlife
The Barn Owls of Chatterley Whitfield
The Barn Owls of Chatterley Whitfield, the former coal mine at the heart of Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire.

Local Barn Owls
Photographing one of my local barn owls during the third lockdown in England in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Red Backed Shrike
An account of my time photographing a male red backed shrike in Sutton Park, Sutton Coldfield this summer between the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Flourish Magazine
The latest edition of Flourish Magazine, Volume 4 - “A snippet of Nature”, contains a piece I have written titled “Living Alongside Badgers - Waiting for the perfect opportunity” about my work photographing my local badgers.
New Website Launched
I am very pleased to announce the launch of my new website